This chapter mainly describes how to troubleshoot ZStack abnormal basic operations.
bash /opt/zstack*installer.bin -E
to install ZStack Enterprise.bash /opt/zstack*installer.bin
to install ZStack Community.Fail Reason: /usr/local/zstack is existing. Please delete it manually before installing a new ZStack
At this time, the system has ZStack installed without allowing you to reinstall the Cloud.
rm -rf /usr/local/zstack; bash zstack-installer.bin -D
Check /tmp/zstack_installation.log. Based on the error tips, try to address this problem by yourself.
mount: /dev/loop0 is write-protected, mounting read-only /root Current release c76 not matched the new ISO c74, Use zstack-upgrade -r xxx.iso to update current repo, Use zstack-upgrade -a/--add_repo xxx.iso to add a new repo
zstack-upgrade ZStack-x86_64-DVD-3.10.0-c76.iso
cp /usr/local/zstack/upgrade/2017-11-09-15-41-52 /root -r
cp /usr/local/zstack/db_backup/2017-11-09-15-42-43/backup.sql /root
zstack-ctl dump_mysql
zstack-ctl stop rm -rf /usr/local/zstack
bash ZStack-enterprise-installer.bin -D
zstack-ctl stop mv /usr/local/zstack/apache-tomcat/webapps/zstack /usr/local/zstack/apache-tomcat/webapps/zstack-bk cp /root/2017-11-09-15-41-52/zstack /usr/local/zstack/apache-tomcat/webapps -r chown zstack:zstack /usr/local/zstack/apache-tomcat/webapps/zstack -R
cat /root/backup.sql |mysql -u root -pzstack.mysql.password zstack
zstack-ctl start
Navigate to Global Settings tab page, set ReservedMemory. Default value: 1G.
, and select a cluster to go to the cluster details page. On theUpdateResourceConfig category=kvm name=reservedMemory resourceUuid=e2f4836723a2490095768fe611c540b1 value=10G # resourceUuid is the UUID of the host, while the value is the reserved memory of the host.
After the related ZStack services are rebooted on your management node, these services will be started automatically.
Run systemctl status/start/stop/restart mariadb
to check the status of, or start, stop, and reboot the database.
ERROR: failed to connect to the mysql server[hostname:, port:3306, user:zstack, password:zstack.password]
mysql -u zstack -pzstack.password -h
to access the database directly.8080 is occupied by some process. Please use netstat to find out and stop it
Run netstat -anp|grep 8080
to find the program that is occupied by port 8080 and then to stop port 8080 before starting ZStack.
MN status: Unknown, the management node seems to become zombie as it stops responding APIs
Cause and Solution
Generally, memories are out of capacity, so the message bus is not correctly handled. Expand the memories. At this time, we recommend that you not use the management node to act as a compute node and add this compute node to ZStack.
ZStack lets you manipulate services or resources via zstack-ctl.
zstack-ctl status
zstack-ctl stop/start/stop_ui/start_ui/start_node/stop_node/restart_node/
zstack-ctl configured_collect_log
zstack-ctl dump_mysql
zstack-ctl restore_mysql -f back.gz --mysql-root-password password
zstack-ctl change_ip
zstack-ctl show_configuration
zstack-ctl show_ui_configuration
zstack-ctl install_license -f license_key.txt
zstack-ctl reset_password
zstack-ctl change_mysql_password --root-password zstack.mysql.password --user-name zstack --new-password password
For more information about zstack-ctl commands, see zstack-ctl Command Manual in ZStack Documentation.
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