ZStack Cloud 5.0.0

On March 29, 2024, ZStack Cloud officially released its latest version, ZStack Cloud 5.0.0, covering a number of important features described in details below.


  • A New Primary Storage Type: Vhost: Uses vhost-user mode to connect with high-performance SSD distributed storage.
  • Supports Isolated VLAN in L2VlanNetwork: Supports isolated VLAN function of PVLAN on the Cloud to isolate resources within the same VLAN network.
  • Optimizations on Monitoring & Alarm: Supports new endpoint types: WeCom and Lark; supports message templates for WeCom, Lark, and HTTP application endpoints.


VM Instance
  1. VM console enhancements.
    1. Supports power managements in VM consoles.
    2. Allows you to reboot a VM instance without interrupting the console connection.
    3. VM console page automatically adapts to the browser resolution.
  2. Allows you to choose whether make a VM instance powered on automatically after it is created.
Volume and Image
  1. Improvements on image uploading.
    1. Improves image uploading speed to ImageStore.
    2. Displays image uploading speeds and remaining time in real-time.
    3. Calculates image MD5 after the uploading, which can be used to verify the image integrity.
Cloud Network
  1. Supports isolated VLAN in L2VlanNetwork.
  2. Supports receiving/sending LLDP information.
Cloud Storage
  1. A new primary storage type: Vhost.
Platform O&M
  1. Optimizations on monitoring & alarm.
    1. Supports new endpoint types: WeCom and Lark.
    2. Supports message templates for WeCom, Lark, and HTTP application endpoints.
    3. Adds new fields in message template, providing more alarm details.
  2. New resource data displayed on the host list: CPU Utilization Average and Memory Utilization.
Backup Management
  1. Restores related data volume by default when you restoring a VM instance backup.
  2. Displays related backup jobs on VM details pages.
Installation and Upgrade
  1. Releases a new x86 ISO on Official Website: H84R ISO.

VM Console Enhancements

ZStack Cloud 5.0.0 makes following enhancements on VM consoles.

Supports Power Management in VM Consoles

Starting from ZStack Cloud 5.0.0, VM power managements are supported on VM console pages, which effectively improves the VM O&M efficiency. Supported operations now include stopping, rebooting, resuming, pausing, and powering off VM instances.

Starting VM instances is not supported in VM consoles. You need to exercise this operation on the VM main list or on the VM details page.

Figure 1. Power Management on VM Console Page

Allows You to Reboot VM Instance without Interrupting the Console Connection

In previous versions, rebooting VM instance interrupts the connection to the VM console. After the rebooting, you have to manually relaunch a console page to continue your operations in the console.

Starting from ZStack Cloud 5.0.0, an existing VM console connection will automatically recover after a VM rebooting. This allows you to continue your operations in the VM console without launching a new console page and enhances your usage experience.

Figure 2. VM Console Reconnects after VM Reboot without Exiting the Current Page

VM Console Page Automatically Adapts to the Browser Resolution

Starting from ZStack Cloud 5.0.0, VM console pages can adapts to the browser resolution automatically, ensuring a clear and complete console screen regardless of the browser resolution value.

Figure 3. A Clear and Complete Console Screen with a Low Browser Resolution

Allows You to Choose Whether power on a VM Instance Automatically after it is Created

ZStack Cloud 5.0.0 adds a parameter Power On on VM creation pages. With this parameter, you can define whether power on a VM instance automatically after it is created.

Figure 1. A New Parameter "Power On" on VM Creation Pages


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