
ZStack Cloud provides the Migration Service, allowing you to migrate VM systems and data from other virtualization platforms to the current cloud. Currently, with the Migration Service, you can:
  • Migrate VM instances from the vCenter that you took over to the current cloud. The supported vCenter versions include 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 6.7, and 7.0. Note that the version of the vCenter server must be consistent with that of the ESXi host.
  • Migrate VM instances from a KVM cloud platform to the current cloud.
    Note: If you took over vCenter 7.0, to ensure that the VM console can open properly, we recommend that you download the trusted root CA certificate when you log into vCenter.
Figure 1. V2V Migration

The Migration Service is a separate feature module. To use this feature, you need to purchase both the Base License and the Plus License of the Migration Service. The Plus License cannot be used independently.

Advantages of the Migration Service are as follows:
  • Allows you to perform one-click V2V migrations for VM instances in bulk.
  • Allows you to add a conversion host and create a V2V job and lets the Cloud do the rest.
  • Allows you to configure an independent migration network and a network QoS for a conversion host to control transmission bottlenecks and improve migration efficiencies.
  • Allows you to customize configurations for destination VM instances when you create a V2V job.
  • Monitors and manages the entire migration process in the visualized, well-designed UI.

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