
VMware Management takes over VMware vCenter via public APIs and seamlessly integrates some of the features of VMware vCenter Server to achieve a unified management of multiple virtualization platforms on ZStack Cloud. If you have deployed VMware vCenter Server in a data center, you can use VMware Management to take over VMware vCenter. Then you can view vSphere server resources and VM resources managed by VMware vCenter Server, use VMware vSphere resources in the virtual data center, and perform the common operations on VM instances in VMware vCenter clusters.

  • The VMware Management is a separate feature module. To use this feature, you need to purchase both the Base License and the Plus License of the VMware Management. The Plus License cannot be used independently.

  • ZStack Cloud supports multiple vCenter versions, including 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 6.7, and 7.0.


  • vSphere: an enterprise-class virtualization platform provided by VMware. It can convert a data center into an aggregated computing infrastructure that includes compute, storage, and network resources. vSphere consists of multiple software applications, with ESXi and vCenter as the two core components.
  • ESXi: a Type 1 virtual hypervisor (baremetal hypervisor) directly installed on a baremetal physical server. It supports the creation and management of multiple VM instances on an ESXi host.
  • vCenter Server: a centralized management platform of physical and virtual resources on a VMware vCenter. It supports one-click access to and management of ESXi hosts, VM instances, Datastore, network, and other resources.

External Access Fundamentals

ZStack Cloud sends cloud resource control requests to the vCenter through asynchronous event listening methods and receives the returned event contents. In addition, ZStack Cloud can also receive contents that are intuitively pushed by the vCenter. This way, ZStack Cloud achieves bidirectional data synchronization.

Figure 1. ZStack Cloud Managing vCenter Diagram

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