Business Challenges
  • High costs on massive data storage

    Low business stability

  • As the number of healthcare application systems increases, massive amounts of data is generated and needs to be stored for a long period of time. This requires many storage devices and labor resources for maintenance issues, which incurs a high cost.

    Healthcare business strongly relies on the stability of information systems and has strict regulations over data collection, processing, and exchange. The service continuity capabilities in some healthcare business are falling short of the requirements.

  • Poor management capabilities

    Low resource utilization

  • It is very challenging to manage different resource platforms such as a virtualization platforms and physical servers and manage different resource users such as a healthcare independent software vendor (ISV). In addition, the underlying information cannot be shared and the information transformation process is inefficient.

    The application workloads of healthcare business systems such as the hospital information system (HIS), laboratory information management system (LIS), picture archiving and communication system (PACS), and radiology information system (RIS) grow rapidly, but the IT system is still delivered based on the traditional server deployment method. This situation causes low resource utilization and high construction and O&M costs.

Business Challenges
  • High costs on massive data storage

    As the number of healthcare application systems increases, massive amounts of data is generated and needs to be stored for a long period of time. This requires many storage devices and labor resources for maintenance issues, which incurs a high cost.
  • Low business stability

    Healthcare business strongly relies on the stability of information systems and has strict regulations over data collection, processing, and exchange. The service continuity capabilities in some healthcare business are falling short of the requirements.
  • Poor management capabilities

    It is very challenging to manage different resource platforms such as a virtualization platforms and physical servers and manage different resource users such as a healthcare independent software vendor (ISV). In addition, the underlying information cannot be shared and the information transformation process is inefficient.
  • Low resource utilization

    The application workloads of healthcare business systems such as the hospital information system (HIS), laboratory information management system (LIS), picture archiving and communication system (PACS), and radiology information system (RIS) grow rapidly, but the IT system is still delivered based on the traditional server deployment method. This situation causes low resource utilization and high construction and O&M costs.
Solution Architecture
  • Higher resource utilization

    Higher business stability

  • The solution uses the virtualization technology to pool physical resources and migrates cloudization-fit business to the cloud environment. This way, it improves resource utilization and lowers costs.

    The solution uses HA and disaster recovery technologies to ensure the service availability and data reliability of key healthcare business from all aspects and at multiple levels.

  • Greater management capabilities

    Stable and reliable storage service

  • The IT infrastructure environments of the healthcare industry is very complex. The solution is a centralized healthcare cloud management platform that allows you to call APIs of resource environments of different architectures and thus achieve centralized management of multiple clouds. In addition, the platform allows you to create multiple tenants, for example, healthcare ISV, and provides VPC features. Healthcare IT admins can use the multi-tenant and VPC features to implement network isolation and lifecycle management for different tenant resources.

    The solution provides multiple underlying storage services such as object storage, distributed storage, and fiber channel SAN storage. The multi-copy, erasure coding (EC), redundant array of independent disks (RAID), and other redundancy technologies are applied to ensure the security and stability of the platform storage. The solution can be used to provide secure and reliable services for key healthcare business and provide massive storage space for healthcare videos and images.

  • Higher resource utilization

    The solution uses the virtualization technology to pool physical resources and migrates cloudization-fit business to the cloud environment. This way, it improves resource utilization and lowers costs.

  • Higher business stability

    The solution uses HA and disaster recovery technologies to ensure the service availability and data reliability of key healthcare business from all aspects and at multiple levels.

  • Greater management capabilities

    The IT infrastructure environments of the healthcare industry is very complex. The solution is a centralized healthcare cloud management platform that allows you to call APIs of resource environments of different architectures and thus achieve centralized management of multiple clouds. In addition, the platform allows you to create multiple tenants, for example, healthcare ISV, and provides VPC features. Healthcare IT admins can use the multi-tenant and VPC features to implement network isolation and lifecycle management for different tenant resources.

  • Stable and reliable storage service

    The solution provides multiple underlying storage services such as object storage, distributed storage, and fiber channel SAN storage. The multi-copy, erasure coding (EC), redundant array of independent disks (RAID), and other redundancy technologies are applied to ensure the security and stability of the platform storage. The solution can be used to provide secure and reliable services for key healthcare business and provide massive storage space for healthcare videos and images.

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